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防水測試 醬油到處亂噴 | HM

產品受過防水淬鍊處理,非常自豪 抗污無疑問

It is said that the quality of waterproofing is no problem depending on the sample, but the most practical answer is tested on the actual product The waterproof is not up to standard, and the BOSS does not accept it. The product has been treated with waterproof details, and it is very sure that there is no problem with stain resistance

防水の品質はサンプルによって正しくないと言われていますが、最も実用的な答えは実際の製品でテストされます 防水性が標準に達しておらず、上司はそれを受け入れません。 製品は防水性のディテールで処理されており、防汚性に問題がないことは間違いありません

ว่ากันว่าคุณภาพของการกันซึมไม่ถูกต้องขึ้นอยู่กับตัวอย่าง แต่คําตอบที่ใช้งานได้จริงที่สุดคือการทดสอบกับผลิตภัณฑ์จริง การกันน้ําไม่ได้มาตรฐานและเจ้านายไม่ยอมรับ ผลิตภัณฑ์ได้รับการบําบัดด้วยรายละเอียดกันน้ํา และมั่นใจเป็นอย่างยิ่งว่าไม่มีปัญหากับความต้านทานคราบสกปรก

샘플에 따라 방수 품질이 정확하지 않다고하지만 가장 실용적인 대답은 실제 제품에서 테스트하는 것입니다 방수는 표준에 미치지 못하며 상사는 그것을 받아들이지 않습니다. 제품은 방수 디테일로 처리되었으며 얼룩 방지에 문제가 없음을 매우 확신합니다.
#防水 #防汙 #高性能 #uhpc #grc #grg #gmrc #防水建築 #高性能水泥 #工程 #建案 #自建 #建材 #建商 #建築材料 #外牆材料 #外牆建築 #外牆裝飾 #裝飾工程 #外裝 #外牆工程

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新科技綠建築 3D到土建到建築實踐 | HM

GMRC 為不噴塗天然石粉澆注水泥,從 3D設計 到 3D模具 開發,同步於現場整地生產,等待結構逐漸完成時候,GMRC的產品就可以同時吊掛安裝,安裝完成後,現場快速吊裝,不需要另外噴塗表面,非常快速,為歐美正流行的建築模式,台灣歡迎經過新竹寶山交流道,就可以看的到這一座經典作品。
總面積為 28800 多平方米,數量非常可觀,僅於4個月安裝完成,若沒有客戶支持由豪門全權從結構開始管理,還真的不知道如何實踐完成? …

GMRC for not spraying natural stone powder pouring cement, from 3D design to 3D mold development, synchronous on-site land preparation production, waiting for the structure to gradually complete, GMRC products can be hung and installed at the same time, after the installation is completed, the site is quickly hoisted, no need to spray the surface, very fast, for Europe and the United States is popular building mode, Taiwan welcome through Hsinchu Baoshan Interchange, you can see this classic work. With a total area of more than 28,800 square meters, the number is very impressive, and the installation was completed in only 4 months. …

3D設計から3D金型開発まで、セメントを注ぐ天然石粉末を噴霧しないためのGMRCは、構造が徐々に完成するのを待っている同期オンサイト土地準備生産、GMRC製品は、設置が完了した後、同時に吊り下げて設置することができます、サイトは迅速に吊り上げられます、表面をスプレーする必要はありません、非常に速く、ヨーロッパと米国のために人気のある建築モードです、台湾は新竹宝山インターチェンジを通じて歓迎します、あなたはこの古典的な作品を見ることができます。 総面積は28,800平方メートルを超え、その数は非常に印象的で、設置はわずか4か月で完了しました。 …

GMRC สําหรับการไม่ฉีดพ่นผงหินธรรมชาติเทปูนซีเมนต์ตั้งแต่การออกแบบ 3 มิติไปจนถึงการพัฒนาแม่พิมพ์ 3 มิติการผลิตการเตรียมที่ดินในสถานที่แบบซิงโครนัสรอให้โครงสร้างค่อยๆเสร็จสมบูรณ์ผลิตภัณฑ์ GMRC สามารถแขวนและติดตั้งได้ในเวลาเดียวกันหลังจากการติดตั้งเสร็จสิ้นไซต์จะถูกยกขึ้นอย่างรวดเร็วไม่จําเป็นต้องฉีดพ่นพื้นผิวอย่างรวดเร็วอย่างรวดเร็วสําหรับยุโรปและสหรัฐอเมริกาเป็นโหมดการสร้างยอดนิยมไต้หวันยินดีต้อนรับผ่าน Hsinchu Baoshan Interchange คุณสามารถดูงานคลาสสิกนี้ได้ ด้วยพื้นที่รวมมากกว่า 28,800 ตารางเมตร จํานวนจึงน่าประทับใจมาก และการติดตั้งก็เสร็จสมบูรณ์ในเวลาเพียง 4 เดือน …

3D 디자인에서 3D 금형 개발, 동기식 현장 토지 준비 생산에 이르기까지 시멘트를 붓는 천연 석재 분말을 살포하지 않는 GMRC는 구조가 점차 완료되기를 기다리며 GMRC 제품을 걸고 동시에 설치할 수 있습니다, 설치가 완료된 후, 현장은 신속하게 들어 올려집니다, 유럽과 미국의 경우 표면을 매우 빠르게 살포 할 필요가 없습니다. 총 면적이 28,800제곱미터 이상인 이 숫자는 매우 인상적이며 설치는 단 4개월 만에 완료되었습니다. …
#gmrc #grg #grc #3d #precast #precastconcrete #現場安裝 #gfrg #hm #uhpc #預鑄建築 #3d ##gmrc #grc #interiordesign #uhpc #buildingmaterials #建材 #建築設計 #建築 #建築測量 #建築家と建てる #designer #水泥建造 #預鑄 #預鑄建築 #預鑄建築 #豪門 #건물 #ตึก #gfrc #外銷建築 #工廠 #工作 #工人 #工程師 #建築講座 #การบรรยายสถาปัตยกรรม #簡廷在 #豪門 #hm #วัสดุก่อสร้าง #外觀設計 #外觀設計 #건축자재 #綠建築 #綠建材 #科技 #數位加工 #缺工 #解決問題

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數位樂園雕刻建築材料 Digital themepark carving Building Materials

數位樂園雕刻建築材料 Digital themepark carving Building Materials加工會員/
#代工3D系統雕刻 #servicedigitalcarving #grg #GRC #GFRC #GMRC #GFRG #防火建材 #數位建築 #海洋公園 #CARVING #3d #遊樂園 #渡假村 #主題樂園 #數位樂園 #工程承攬 #樂園開發 #建築雕塑 #樂園雕塑 #香港海洋公園 #OceanPark #Land #themepark #數位樂園 #雕刻建築材料 #digitalart #themepark #carving #Building #materials



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GRC PANEL by University of New South Wales Hilmer Building

解封後,立即訂票去現場看看 !!!
#海外通路 #海外代工 #GRC #GMRC #GRP #GRG #precastgrc #precastcurtain #exterior #interior #uhpc
Previously, the curtain system GRC project was exported to Australia.
Continuously create overseas works, help international export, and build a realistic dream.
After unsealing, book a ticket to have a look at the scene immediately!

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3D模擬至實際呈現 建築裝飾工程


Use 3D design to simulate the details of the sculpture carving, then display it through the computer and double check it with customers, and then carry out the reality sculpture. After production, on-site splicing and installation, and finally see the completed entity. If there are minor flaws, can still be modifly things
#3Dbuilding #carving #grc #grg #grp #designarchitecture #architecture

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香港海洋公園 豪門工作廠間Hong Kong Ocean Park HungMeng workshop

The declassification of the HungMeng and powerful files has been made public. Because the recent HungMeng and powerful files have systematized the cloud, it is convenient for agents in Europe, the mainland and Southeast Asia to request data for meetings
Hong Kong Ocean Park is the most entertainment company in Australia. Through cooperation with Australian businessmen, it has also jointly created many cases. It is not only moved but also grateful

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放眼查看,好多在擴建或是開發,尤其英國的派拉蒙看到這種工程真的是流口水….還有香港冰雪奇緣好期待開幕喔~雲頂的電影娛樂城也準備開幕,還有日本吉卜力樂園,估計這些樂園開了,台灣面臨少子化情況,有經濟能力的大家應該多會去消費看看,但是台灣沒有跟著綁著一個IP創造境外消費型態的樂園,恐怕會失衡,還是要靠著台積電,還有富士康,大立光等等國際科技代工來支撐台灣經濟,多渴望台灣政府擠出預算來做個可以刺激境外娛樂的娛樂渡假勝地 ….渴望…渴望


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Midas touch – James from Taiwan to build fairy tale castle in the Shanghai Disneyland 2

Many students are cash-strapped, nowadays.

Nevertheless, their purchasing power is very high. Research reveals that 20 million students in the US have a combined disposable income of $417 billion. Moreover, another survey of students’ parents reveals that students now make 70 percent of their purchases themselves. These purchases are often made on credit cards. Therefore, students often have a significantly higher purchasing power.

If you know this, you can utilize it to capture the attention of the 16-24 age demographic.

However, it is essential for your product or service to appeal to the lifestyle of the students. Additionally, student ambassadors should be utilized to spread the word about your product or service to their friends and classmates.

If you have not yet considered this demographic, it is time to reach out to them now!

Social media is a popular method for socialization and communication between many young people. Students are the majority users of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. These are the right places to introduce brands to young people.It is probably the right place to introduce a brand to them. To capture the student audience, it is essential to be a part of the conversation; it is also important to keep them engaged. Social media is the ideal platform for this.

However, studies state that half of these social media savvy youngsters fail to follow brands on social networking sites.

Students who do follow often only show temporary, marginal support. Social media is definitely a great platform for engaging students and spreading the word. However, it is definitely not the best for brand introduction and recognition.

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    Zhongzheng S.Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


    大陸珠海總公司 - China HQ

    366 Provincial Rd, Jinwan District, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China

    Tel:86-756-7798887 / 86-756-7798889 

    台北辦事處 - Taipei Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    台中辦事處 - Taichung Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    海南島工廠 - Hainan Factory
    香港辦公處 - Hong Kong Office
    北角友邦廣場 AIA TOWER

    Level 43, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point

    高雄分公司 - HungMeng GRC Branch company


    © 2021 – Hung Meng Ltd. All rights reserved.

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