In 2019, the New Year Reception of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region witnessed the return of Macao as an international leisure resort city in less than ten years. The economy developed rapidly and created the glory of the new era of China. Mr. Xu Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Taiwan Affairs, and Director Wang Gang of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, as well as all the leaders of the past and Chairman Wu Fu’s care and support for the Macao Taiwan Business Association, and wish you a Happy New Year! Healthy body!
2019年中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室新春酒會,共同見證澳門回歸不到十年躍居為國際化休閒渡假旅遊城市,經濟迅猛發展,創建中華新時代的輝煌,藉此機會感謝中聯辦台務部 徐莽部長、及海峽兩岸關係協會 王剛 主任、以及歷屆所有領導以及 吳福 董事長的關照與支持澳門台商聯誼會會務工作,並敬祝大家新年快樂!身體健康!
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