Prehistoric crocodile, ran out of the ground we have a variety of sizes of sizes, you want to create a theme restaurant or visitor attractions or theme park, whatever comes to watch!
#themepark #sculpture #hungmeng
With the owner’s budget to adjust the design to maximize, build a permanent cultural history of the building.
Children’s equipment may not be considered too serious by the general public, but when we meet the WIN WIN Group, we find that even for children’s and children’s equipment, we must take a very serious attitude to observe the world the children see, and use high- End Technician’s inspection standards, to the look needs of use of lot of 3D planning to simulate the situation and changes in the field space, so that the actual status can be reviewed in advance on the computer and use the Quality attitude to practice and complete. We are honored to participate in all this.
We hope to provide more diverse marine forest styles for the marina and create an atmosphere of this side. Visitors can come to the pier and feel the sights that Taiwan does not have and enjoy a nice afternoon of fun. The specialty hawkers here can also Offering a variety of styles of specialties and drinks, it is also possible to create diverse and distinctive cultural activities. At night, we can also create a projected light sculpture design with local characteristics. Even a single street can create landmarks. In the area of attractions, this is a design we hope to bring to Taiwan with different features.
Let’s take look this a video record! If you can watch the video all finished This means that you have the zeal to design, sculptures and at the same time you know what kind of people and teams is you need or while you’re ready to invest new projects. Let’s roll stone change the world!
看看影片中! 如果當你可以將影片從頭看到完。這表示你具有設計雕塑規劃的熱忱同時更能夠了解正當你準備投資,你會需要甚麼樣類型的人才與團隊。我們共同改變世界!
From: Disney
還記得前年萬達集團王健林董事長 曾誇下海口要用軍事策略要打敗上海主題樂園,但是至今迪士尼仍然蓬勃發展中,今年也剛擴建1.5期的玩具總動員新的開發案,你覺得問題在哪?
經過分析簡單的重點就是 用心跟不用心,商人的角度往往用買賣做為出發,想買一台機器,只想到翻桌率,沒有感情的,如果說難聽一點的初戀,跟買春,哪個比較有感情,會有回憶的感受,主題樂園的目標就是要讓你感覺不想離開,脫離世俗的環境,但是為什麼迪士尼能夠不斷創造市值,肅立於世界主題樂園第一,就在於用心創造故事,每到樂園從入口就可以看見用心,所有的鋼構都有包裝,但是不用心的樂園就會看到鋼構外露只是簡單的油漆,到了迪士尼樂園的時候總是會讓大人變成小孩,因為雖然定位於小孩子會去,但是你有發現到嗎,所有的建築都是歐式情境,在修飾可愛化,這點是往往所有投資方感覺不到的地方,因為多數的投資方會讓為只是小朋友要來,就做個可愛的玩偶或是雕塑放在那邊點綴拍拍照就好,請問這樣有甚麼延伸性的感情與互動,做事用心,無形中,會得到得遠遠超過你想賺的。(千萬不要做你沒有熱忱的事情)
Today we met with the United States had previously worked in Disney Mina heard the continuous expansion of overseas sculptures and projection development, the follow-up cooperation in the area is now ready to proceed, is bound to make everyone amazing !
From: Orange County Register
From: Inside the Magic
No matter the size of the project We will do small cases as long as we do big cases can make works stability is a good job Thank you for your support and encouragement so that HungMeng can serve you
#GRC #GRP造型雕塑 #GRC裝配式建築 #GRC舊屋翻新 #GRC建築
It’s too long not to upload information, and recently in the rush, to production of indoor Continental GRG gypsum building materials, located in the largest park in Shenyang villa mansion, but the picture really bad it
#巴洛克石膏建材 #豪門國際建材 #GRG #雕塑石膏 #熱高樂園 #室內裝修 #巴洛克 #GRGINTERIORCONSTRUCTION #強化纖維石膏室內裝飾工程
誰,讓迪士尼堅持,非他不可,誰,一口吃下包括迪士尼、環球影城、海洋公園等大型主題樂園工程, 他,是台灣神祕台商豪門國際簡廷在。 他如何在嚴格的挑剔下,做到不超過0.1公分誤差的精密成品, 他力求完美、專注投入的龜毛精神, 為自己寫下成功的人生傳奇。