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Planning and design from 3D to three-dimensional sculpture, and then to the completion of production, these molds have been completed through many procedures. I hope this mold can continue to be used, so that everyone can have French classical buildings. At the same time, it can also save the cost of molds. The materials also have fire prevention and flame retardant. They don’t rely on paint to prevent fire. These colleagues spend most of their lives working for art, The company belongs to a platform to increase the trading of practical works with the owners, so as to make the products more lively and more life. What we can do for these artists is to give them a stable and stable income. This is where the rich family has been pursuing excellence. Therefore, we have a research and development department. We need to develop 20 reports a year, which belongs to material evolution. We hope to have the opportunity to create them together, It can also create an international entertainment resort

#海墅 #法式精裝 #預鑄精裝 #國際度假村 #3D模具 #新古典建築


CategoriesHM News 公司訊息


想像一下未來的建案室內隔戶牆,就僅需要鐵架,將這個GRG帷幕防水阻燃造型版固定在鐵架與隔音棉未來水電也方便施工,完成後可請油漆上喜歡的顏色即可完成,是否可以減輕土水的工作壓力 ?
Imagine that the indoor partition wall in the future only needs an iron frame. Fix this GRG curtain waterproof and flame-retardant modeling panel on the iron frame and sound insulation cotton. It is also convenient for smooth wall construction in the future. After completion, you can ask for the color you like on the paint. Can you reduce the working pressure of wall smoth construction?
At present, it has been sold to international Dubai, Hong Kong, Europe, America and Taiwan, and will be presented by the actual samples of HungMeng and grand construction.
#GRG #PrecastGRG #Precastinterrior #PrecastGFRG #GRGconstruction

CategoriesHM News 公司訊息

Precast roof tiles and castle wall預製屋面瓦和預製城牆

Precast roof tiles and precast castle walls are transported to the site for direct installation after being completed in the factory according to the drawing size, which reduces the on-site working time and efficiency of workers!!!
Please discuss and modify any problems in the factory to speed up work efficiency


#precast #precastpanel #GRCprecast #grc #gfrc #grcfactory



豪門海墅即將推出,獨戶透天別墅法式城堡,頂樓皆有個人獨特泡湯池可作為休閒育樂使用,另有夠多詳細資訊,請追蹤! 我們將會逐一慢慢將細節分享給大家 ! 謝謝
#豪門海墅 #安平透天別墅 #安平別墅 #獨戶別墅 #民宿別墅 #電梯別墅 #店鋪別墅 #大員飯店 #休閒別墅 #福爾摩沙遊艇飯店

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放眼查看,好多在擴建或是開發,尤其英國的派拉蒙看到這種工程真的是流口水….還有香港冰雪奇緣好期待開幕喔~雲頂的電影娛樂城也準備開幕,還有日本吉卜力樂園,估計這些樂園開了,台灣面臨少子化情況,有經濟能力的大家應該多會去消費看看,但是台灣沒有跟著綁著一個IP創造境外消費型態的樂園,恐怕會失衡,還是要靠著台積電,還有富士康,大立光等等國際科技代工來支撐台灣經濟,多渴望台灣政府擠出預算來做個可以刺激境外娛樂的娛樂渡假勝地 ….渴望…渴望


CategoriesHM News 公司訊息

豪門海墅 Villa de la mer

豪門海墅 Villa de la mer


設計:簡廷在 “上網搜尋簡廷在

HungMeng villa de la mer
veut créer un château unique dans la région de la baie. HungMeng est un constructeur de château Disney. Sur la base des ventes réussies du château HungMeng Yushu, il a établi un bâtiment de château de type index local, qui peut répondre Les habitudes de vie des Chinois créent une combinaison d’habitations et de commerces à usages multiples.

Situé sur Shiping Road, Anping, près de l’hôtel Da Yuan et de l’hôtel Formosa Yachting, le plan municipal en 2024 sera achevé pour relier le pont transocéanique de Yonghua Road et le périphérique nord extérieur, afin de faciliter l’accès à l’école élémentaire Xianbei et Le gouvernement de la ville a optimisé le transport et le transport pratique. En outre, il existe des zones de villas résidentielles riches et diverses à proximité. Dans le même temps, des magasins peuvent être ouverts devant les écoles. Près du port de plaisance et de la baie, il peut être utilisé comme une variété de magasins

Contact : 0973737638
Line: hm888
Web :
Disney International Engineering and Technology Co., Ltd.
Design : james chien « Search the Internet for james chien

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    大陸珠海總公司 - China HQ

    366 Provincial Rd, Jinwan District, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China

    Tel:86-756-7798887 / 86-756-7798889 

    台北辦事處 - Taipei Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    台中辦事處 - Taichung Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    海南島工廠 - Hainan Factory
    香港辦公處 - Hong Kong Office
    北角友邦廣場 AIA TOWER

    Level 43, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point

    高雄分公司 - HungMeng GRC Branch company


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