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預鑄規劃從3D開始 Precasting planning starts from 3D

預鑄規劃,從3D結構體建模,再到3D外牆組裝設計,統一模組性系統,室內結合了 REVIT 再將細部管路尺寸,位置統一模擬後,將該3D分件模組給予相關單位的廠商作業,並將設定每個分件管理的工程人員確認每個產品在各部工廠生產無礙。
The first mock exam is the first mock exam, from 3D structure modeling to 3D external wall assembly design, unified modular system, indoor REVIT combined with the detailed pipe size and position simulation, the 3D module is assigned to the relevant units, and each component management worker is set up to confirm that each product is not obstructed in the various parts of the factory.
Unified vertical system diagram

#Revit #Rhino #BIM #GRC #GMRC #UHPC #台北豪門文化 #豪門文創 #豪門國際開發

CategoriesHM News 公司訊息


Can you see?
The whole building is precast and also are the walls. can you tell it ?
#Precast  #Building #預鑄牆 #轟不浪 #歡迎建商共用模 #鹽和街#預鑄雕刻廠
CategoriesHM News 公司訊息


3D製圖後,直接送到雕刻廠完成,接著就是製作 GRC或是GRP更或是GRG等等 3D能夠劃出多細緻就做出來多細緻

After 3D drawing, it is directly sent to the carving factory for practice, and then GRC, GRP, or GRG are made 3D can be drawn as carefully as possible

#GRP #GRC #3D製圖 #雕刻廠





CategoriesHM News 公司訊息

GRC & GMRC 預鑄建材差異

After the concrete is finished, the ordinary GRC is sprayed with stone paint on the surface, which is completed by manually rolling and compacting after mixing with glass fiber blanket and concrete. However, the new GRC is formed by adding natural adhesive with ore and drawing glass fiber through high-speed coating by machine. The advantage is that the wire strip has high fineness, just like cutting with a knife. On the other hand, it has high toughness, It’s not easy to break. What’s better is surface treatment. Basically, it only needs tiny maintenance

#GRC #混凝土 #噴石頭漆 #水泥攪拌 #預鑄建材 #預鑄工法

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CategoriesHM News 公司訊息

GMRC 建築外裝配人造石

GMRC 建築外裝配人造石
The GMRC building is equipped with artificial stone waterproof, which can be grouted when the board is covered or locked on the steel and integrated with the facade decoration building materials and the building structure
CategoriesHM News 公司訊息

GRC 預鑄工法特色建築

HungMeng 仍堅持蓋出自己喜愛的特色建築,很開心採用全棟從柱子牆面與樑全採用GRC預鑄工法合建完成,非常期待接下來的最新案例

HungMeng still insists on building his favorite characteristic buildings, and is happy to use the GRC precasting method to complete the whole building from the column, wall and beam We look forward to the next latest case

CategoriesHM News 公司訊息


It looks like concrete on-site grouting. In fact, GRC is used to make natural color and then processed and sprayed. In fact, it can also be painted directly in the factory. However, many people worry that the surface or mounting contact surface of the product will be damaged during installation, so they will choose post-processing on-site and then sprayed finished such a process will not be better than the integrity of coloring in the factory

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    366 Provincial Rd, Jinwan District, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China

    Tel:86-756-7798887 / 86-756-7798889 

    台北辦事處 - Taipei Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    台中辦事處 - Taichung Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    海南島工廠 - Hainan Factory
    香港辦公處 - Hong Kong Office
    北角友邦廣場 AIA TOWER

    Level 43, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point

    高雄分公司 - HungMeng GRC Branch company


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