考慮採用 GMRC 甚麼是 GMRC 呢?

高密度強化纖維石膏 GFRG
#奇美博物館圓頂 #巴洛克室內裝修 #澳門威尼斯人內裝 #衛武營音樂廳內裝材
#合作推廣 #加盟創業 #GRP纖維樹酯 #frpbioscrubber #樂園表演車 #雕塑車
默默耕耘 UHPC生產工程 預鑄計畫 按圖生產 按圖吊裝 大型吊裝帷幕工法#PrecastGRC #precastconstruction
#澳門酒店 #澳門威尼斯人 #GRG #室內防火建材 #室內裝飾建材
The interior pre cast building materials of neoclassical buildings are completely flame retardant Using 3D modeling, after poly Dragon carving, it becomes a mold to start production. After production, each detail will be processed to a detailed three-dimensional texture, which is the lower edge modeling of the so-called interior decoration modeling arch and adds the three-dimensional modeling of arc ceiling In addition, there are roman columns, line boards, door frames and so on. The appearance of the overall assembly is the same as the figure #GRG帷幕 #GRG造型 #GRG古典造型 #baroque #classicalbaroque #防火 #新#古典建築 #室內預鑄 #建築材料 #完全阻燃
Using 3D modeling, after poly Dragon carving, it becomes a mold to start production. After production, each detail will be processed to a detailed three-dimensional texture, which is the lower edge modeling of the so-called interior decoration modeling arch and adds the three-dimensional modeling of arc ceiling
#GRG帷幕 #GRG造型 #GRG古典造型 #baroque #classicalbaroque5b2603fe-c538-484c-8d35-051ed3314c69 <–下載影片
豪門規劃設計,採用預鑄工法將法式建築引領至工廠,提升來客參觀更有吸引力,也同時提升了老闆對於公司整體價值,該歐式帷幕系統將於台灣工廠實踐製造,豪門於3D規劃至現場營建統包工程,將開啟台灣帷幕導入營建市場的重要案例 !!!
The planning and design of the Hung Meng adopts the precasting method to lead the French architecture to the factory, which makes it more attractive for visitors to visit. At the same time, it also improves the overall value of the boss to the company. The Baroque curtain system will be manufactured in the factory in Taiwan. The unified contracting project from 3D planning to on-site construction of the Hung Meng will open an important case of introducing the curtain into the construction market in Taiwan!!!
#歐式預鑄帷幕 #帷幕 #3D設計 #成控 #HungMengDesign #precasting #architecture