Midas touch – James from Taiwan

Consider this product. Is there anything really exciting to say about it? If you’ve ever wanted to get the product of your dream, these it is. Nothing comes between you and your desire. You know, even the most mundane item has the potential to tell a good story. It just takes a bit of coaxing to get it out. Let this item to tell you its own story. Maybe it will turn into your joint experience in the nearest future. Before we wrote this great copy, we’ve got to read many of similar ones. We know the importance of reading inspired prose before you can produce it yourself. There are many companies that write excellent, compelling product copy. It’s very easy to fall in line with competitors and stay safe. We never ignore the competition. Instead, we don’t make it our first priority. We focus on the product and who we want to sell to first. Strategize the selling points and how to make our point clear and concise. We make sure the features of the item are obvious to any potential customer. Once we’ve checked those off our list, we go check to see what our frenemies are doing. One of our favorite exercises in product writing is long form stories. A long form is what it sounds like: waxing poetic about something you wouldn’t normally flesh out into a substantial story. We try and create a long form story for each item, almost as if it was the subject of its own full-blown marketing campaign. And then a story came through. Eventually, new product copy, convincing the customer that this product is just indispensable in his/her life appears.

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    Zhongzheng S.Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City 710, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


    大陸珠海總公司 - China HQ

    366 Provincial Rd, Jinwan District, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China

    Tel:86-756-7798887 / 86-756-7798889 

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    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    台中辦事處 - Taichung Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    海南島工廠 - Hainan Factory
    香港辦公處 - Hong Kong Office
    北角友邦廣場 AIA TOWER

    Level 43, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point

    高雄分公司 - HungMeng GRC Branch company


    © 2021 – Hung Meng Ltd. All rights reserved.

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