去年碰到人類第六次大滅絕,在疫情嚴峻情況所有台灣的幹部無法順利返回工廠,因此在台南的基地設置了第三間工廠,也在台北成立了新的公司,終於都正常上了軌道,設備也持續增加中,案場也順利交貨中,未來台南擁有兩間工廠服務於大家,無論是 GRP、GRC、GMRC、UHPC、GRG 預鑄工程營造及材料我們將採垂直整合工程管理,同時也包含預鑄設計再到申請建築執照與營造等整合服務。
Last year, there was the sixth mass extinction of mankind. Under the severe situation of the epidemic, all cadres in Taiwan could not return to the factory smoothly. Therefore, a third factory was set up in the base in Tainan and a new company was established in Taipei. Finally, they were on track normally, the equipment continued to increase, and the case site was delivered smoothly. In the future, Tainan will have two factories to serve everyone, whether GRP, GRC,GMRC, UHPC and GRG precast engineering construction and materials, we will adopt vertical integrated engineering management, and also include integrated services such as precast design, application for building license and construction.