巴洛克&古典建材 不用複雜的技術 可以像積木式組裝 technology real LEGO building materials

造型建築端景不用複雜的工程技術積木式的組裝 利用鋼結構組裝成型,再將工廠3D雕刻生產於GMRC造型石頭水泥,預鑄成品至現場快速組裝完成,這樣好處一來可以於3D控制完成呈現的樣貌,也能夠與工地同時間開展工作,對於工地皆可減少結構灌漿與觀禮上的負擔,對於預製建築不僅能夠將建築達到天馬行空的造型美學,皆能電腦化掌控完成,也能減少工程師現場管理上的負擔,與不必要的垃圾浪費 The end view of the modeling building does not need complex engineering technology and building LEGO assembly The steel structure is assembled and molded, and then the factory 3D carving is produced in GMRC shaped stone concreate, and the precast finished products are quickly assembled on site. In this way, the appearance presented can be controlled in 3D, and the work can be carried out at the same time with the construction site. For the construction site, the burden of structural grouting and viewing can be reduced. For the prefabricated building, it can not only achieve the modeling aesthetics of the building, but also be controlled by computers, It can also reduce the burden of engineers’ on-site management and unnecessary waste of garbage #建築設計 #建築積木 #帷幕 #巴洛克建築 #造型建築 #造型grc #GRC #巴洛克設計 #巴洛克建築 #古典建築 #古典設計 #造型水泥 #預製水泥

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    Tel:86-756-7798887 / 86-756-7798889 

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    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


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    Level 43, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point

    高雄分公司 - HungMeng GRC Branch company


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